Scrapbooking has definitely joined the digital age. You can complete an entire page on the computer. Even those people who don't scrap digitally yet, often use the computer to create page titles and journaling blocks for their layouts. Handwriting on a page may not look as neat as a computer font, but it is more personal and meaningful to your family.
Why do we hesitate to use our own handwriting in our albums? I think there are a few reasons. First of all, lots of us just plain old don't like our handwriting. We might think that it's too messy to be read by others. But stop and think for a moment of a handwritten birthday card you've received, or grandma's recipes, scribbled in her own handwriting. These items leave a legacy for those you love.
Sometimes you are afraid that you can't write straight on the paper, or that you'll run out of room before you finish your story. Or that you'll make a mistake and not be able to erase it. But there are many ways to avoid these handwriting errors. Start out by using a journaling block. If you run out of room, or make a mistake you can use another one. You won't need to adhere it to your finished product until it looks just right. You can also fix a mistake by placing a new piece of paper over the error and writing on that one. And don't forget stickers, they are wonderful for covering up mistakes.
Also, before you start writing, make sure you have the right pen. Many pens will smear on certain types of papers. Also make a note of the width of the tip. If you are writing in a small space a broad tipped marker won't quite do the job.
If you don't want your handwriting to be a main element on a page, you can create hidden journaling. Pockets, folded cards, matchbooks, etc. are great ways to hide journaling on your scrapbook pages. You can write out your journaling by hand on a piece of coordinating cardstock then slip into a pocket on the page.
If handwriting intimidates you, start out small. You can write just the date, or a person's name. Another fun idea is to create a handwritten dedication page. Include who made the album, who it is being dedicated to, and dates included in the album or when it was made.
Whatever type you choose to include, don't be afraid. It's important to preserve something as unique and individual as your own handwriting.
Check back for one other fun handwriting tip in an upcoming blog. It's so cool, it deserves it's own blog entry! Until then . . . happy scrapping.
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