Feb 5, 2010

Friday's Fave Five!

My current life circumstances have given me more time to spend in blogland.  I've met some amazing people I never would have met without the internet, and they've brought untold blessings into my life--mostly unbeknownst to them.  You never know how your words will affect someone else's life.

One of those new friends is Susanne at Living to Tell the Story.  She holds a fun meme every Friday, called Friday Fave Five.  If you'd like to participate, you can read more about the details here.  In short, think back over your week and post your five favorite things from the week.  It can be anything--quotes, posts, pictures, recipes, internet finds, etc.  Then go back to Susanne's blog where you can read other bloggers fave five lists and add your link to Mr. Linky. 

Here are my fave five for the week:

1)  I found a great website that has over 500 FREE scrapbooking and handwriting fonts.  You can check it out here.  You'll be glad you did.  The new fonts on my blog came from there.

I get the cutest handwriting fonts at Fonts for Peas! kevinandamanda.com/fonts

2)  I got glowing reports from my children's teachers at Parent Teacher conferences this week.  Makes me feel like I might just be doing something right as a parent.  Or they just came that way.  Probably the latter.

3)  I woke up this morning to a clean house.  Okay--a ten and eleven year old's version of a clean house, but nevertheless, cleaner than it was when I went to bed.  My son is getting baptized tomorrow and we have oodles of people coming over for lunch afterward, so their efforts were much appreciated.  Thanks, Josh and Dakota!

4)  My cute friend, Ali, keeps me smiling with her new Ask Ali Vlogs.  Check them out here.  She's so creative and talented.

5)  I'm grateful for the hours from midnight to three a.m.  It's the time when the house is quiet, and I can snuggle in my husbands arms as we talk over the day.  The lack of sleep is oh-so-worth-it.  It makes me feel that all is right with the world.

I hope your Friday is as fabulous as mine seems to be so far.  :)


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a pretty fabulous week in review! And I like that time of night too. It's a perfect time for cuddling, for writing, for living. And doesn't Ali rock? All around a great post!

Unknown said...

Aw... That does sound like a fabulous day. Not sure about the lack of sleep part though... Midnight and 3? Really? I'm beyond impressed.

ali cross said...

Whoa! Well, I sure didn't expect to pop in here and find some props for ME. Wow, thanks Kim! TOTALLY made my day.

I loved the clean house one. That is beyond wonderful. Between the positive teacher reviews and the clean house you've GOT to know you ARE doing something right. Kids don't just clean on their own without being motivated by love and a desire to serve their mama.


Enjoy all the fun this weekend. And thank you thank you for your sweet comment. ♥

Karyn said...

Children who clean the house without being asked are one of life's best gifts. Obviously, their parents are doing something right! I think that is the best blessig in that.

Have a wonderful visit with the 'oodles' of people coming over! Don't work so hard at entertainin that you forget to enjoy yourself.

I love fonts, too....I'll have to check that site out.

Susanne said...

Kimberly it's so nice to hear that FFF is a blessing to you!

I love different fonts. I'll be checking that site out for sure as I will your friends.

A big pat on the back to your kids for lending a hand. How sweet of them. Enjoy your family's special day tomorrow!

Midnight to 3 a.m. Wow, I can't remember the last time both me and hubby were awake at the same time between those hours. LOL. It's really nice that you and your hubby have a time that is just yours, though.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

I'm so glad you joined FFF -- I love your blog.

Don't you love that hubby time? It's the best. And a house cleaned by two kids? The thought alone makes me smile!

Come see my FFF and get a little mom encouragement at the same time!

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