Mar 8, 2010

"My Favorite Things" Giveaway

It's hard to believe the release date of my book, I'll Know You by Heart, is only eight days away.  I'm celebrating with all of my faithful blog followers by holding a "My Favorite Things" giveaway.  I wish I could afford to give prizes to all of you.  Your love and support mean so much to me, and your comments always brighten my day.  I've made some amazing friends, and I hope to meet all of you in person some day.

Here's how the contest will work.  I'm going to list some of my favorite things which I'm giving away as prizes, as well as how to enter below, so keep reading.  I'll take entries through Monday night, March 15th, then I'll announce the winner(s) on my release date, Tuesday, March 16th.

Favorite Item #1
Cute Socks

For as long as I can remember, I've loved cute socks.  My husband teases me about my crazy socks not matching my clothes, but I don't care.  They make me feel amazing.  The picture above is not the exact socks--I haven't bought them yet.  But, I promise, they will be just as cute.

Favorite Item #2
Mary Kay Moisturizer
Mary Kay's Oil-free Hydrating Gel is my all-time favorite moisturizer.  It is cool and refreshing--it feels like a drink of water when you're thirsty.  I love it because it doesn't leave my face feeling oily or sticky.  [$30.00 retail value.]

Favorite Item #3

I LOVE pajamas!  More often than not, if I'm home and don't intend to go out, I'm wearing pajamas.  I admit, I even occasionally wear them to Walmart, late at night when I hope nobody will see me.  :)  I bought this cute pair to give away since they go along with the Heart theme of my book.

Favorite Item #4
Silver Jewelry

Going along with the heart theme, I'm giving away this silver charm bracelet.  The heart charm is actually a watch.  Cute!  I love all jewelry, but silver is my favorite.

Favorite Item #5
Normally, white chocolate is not my favorite, but I love the white chocolate Lindor Truffles.  Other than these, I prefer dark chocolate--the darker, the better.

Favorite Item #6

I've always loved stickers.  I remember trading them at recess in elementary school.  Back then, I was so desperate for new ones, I even took the sticker off the Chiquita bananas to put in my sticker book.  I'm giving away all the Pebbles, Inc. stickers pictured above.  [$30 value]

Favorite Item #7
My Critique Group

I have the most amazing critique group ever!  Tristi, Keith, Heather, Nichole, and Danyelle have helped me improve my writing more than any other thing.  I'd be lost without their suggstions.  We've been meeting for two years, and between all of us, we've critiqued 14 full manuscripts and are currently working on five more. 

I love these guys, but no, I can't give them to you.  But, we thought it would be fun to invite one lucky winner to join one of our critique sessions.  So, if you are local, I'll let you know when and where we are meeting, and you'll be invited to come and bring a chapter to be critiqued.  Just be warned, sometimes things get a little silly.   If the winner is not local, all these amazing writers have agreed to critique one chapter for you.  I promise you won't be disappointed!

Favorite Item #8
My Book!!

I love my book, and I hope that you will too.  I'm giving away an autographed copy.  So, what's it about?  Read on--

What happens when the love you thought you found is the one that puts you in mortal danger? A story of pain, survival, and love, I’ll Know You by Heart is a deeply emotional journey of one woman’s determination to save herself and her family from a life of abuse and fear, and culminates with her finding love again. 

Now, onto the details.

I haven't decided yet how I'm going to divide the prizes.  I could give each item away individually, or put them all together for one lucky winner.  It depends on how many entries I get.  Every time I do a contest, my biggest fear is that nobody will enter--so if you are reading this, PLEASE enter.

You get one entry for each of the following:

*Leave a comment telling me which item you'd most like to win.
*Follow this blog.  (Click on the follow link on the right sidebar.)
*Become a fan of Kimberly Job, Author on Facebook.
*Follow me on Twitter.
*Tweet about this contest.
*Post about this contest on Facebook.
*Visit my website and click on contact me to sign up for my newsletter.

For five additional entries, blog about the contest and leave me a link to your blog post.



Stacey Brucale said...

I would most like to win the stickers, but the pjs come in a close second.

I am a blog follower.
I am a twitter follower (Squiggles87)
I tweeted:


permanentcloud said...

i would love to win any of it!

i am also a new follower!


Keith N Fisher said...

I follow you everywhere. this is a great idea for a contest. Good luck. Knowing you, I can't believe you're going to part with the jewelry.

Elizabeth Morgan said...

I would love to win a copy of your new book. It sounds like a book just up my alley.

I am a follower of your blog.

This sounds like an awesome giveaway.

Unknown said...

I would love to win a copy of your new book, but I love fun socks and ridicously fun stickers!!!

I am a follower of your blog!
I plan on following you and tweeting about this (once I figure out how)
I'd add you on facebook but I haven't made the transition to writer friends and none of my friends understand my writing!

Awesome giveaway! Look forward to the chance to win!

Crystal Cook said...

Fun contest! I love all of these prizes, but the one I would most like to win would be the one chapter critique, or your book. I love cute socks too :)

MTeacress said...

I started following your blog last week - twitter too.
I tweeted and signed up for your newsletter.
I'm aching for a critique. I also enjoy a good autographed book. :) Have fun with your contest!

Brittany said...

I follow your blog!:) I definitely want the chocolate or the pajamas. We have those things in common. Congrats on your book! Can't wait to read it!

Anonymous said...

I'm totally a follower here and on twitter and now on FB. ;) Congratulations on your upcoming release! =]

Heather Justesen said...

I hope you get a ton of entries, you're giving away some seriously fun stuff!

Angie said...

Wow. I don't think I can choose. Chocolate, socks, pajamas, book, critique group... I think I'd like them all. I'm checking now to see if I'm following you on Twitter, but I am a fan on facebook!

Angie said...

Okay, tweeted, facebooked and signed up for the newsletter. Congrats on the release of your book!

Taffy said...

I would like to win your book, of course! Then maybe the socks. Then the pjs. Then jewelry. Everything looks good!

Taffy said...

I'm now a follower

Taffy said...

I'm a twitter follower

Taffy said...

I twittered

Taffy said...

I visited your website and signed up

Taffy said...

I also added your contest to my blog post.
I think I would like to hang out with your critique group!! SO I would choose your book then your group.
Do you eat chocolate @ your group? And wear pjs? :)

Jenn Adams said...

I'm leaving a comment, I'm a follower, I signed up for your newsletter, I blogged about your contest, and I'd love to win a copy of your book! The other stuff sounds great, too, but, really, I want to read that book! :o) So that's 8 entries for me! <3

Danyelle Ferguson said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cute socks. I'm a cute socks girl myself!

I did everything except post the contest on my blog. =)

brandy c said...

It's a toss up between the stickers (because I am addicted to scrapbooking!!) or the pj's.
brandyj1121 @ hotmail dot com

brandy c said...


brandyj1121 @ hotmail dot com

brandy c said...

twitter follower: bcorona09

brandyj1121 @ hotmail dot com

brandy c said...


brandyj1121 @ hotmail dot com

brandy c said...

i signed up for your newsletter!

brandyj1121 @ hotmail dot com

Autumn said...

Fun contest, Kim!

Of course, my favorite thing to win would be anything to do with your critique group!

I follow your blog.

I'm a fan of yours on FB.

Sorry, I don't twitter/tweet so those are out.

I posted about this contest on Facebook today, March 8th, under Autumn Ables Weber.

I subscribed to your newsletter.

I posted about your book and this contest on my blog:

I can't wait to read your book!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the socks.
I have two girls and they love these kind of colorful socks.

mommiesgotfivechildren at hotmail dot com

Karlene said...

Bracelet. Totally love charm bracelets and would adore one with a watch attached!

I thought I Followed you already, but no. I have you on my Google Reader. Follower now.

Fan on Facebook.

Twitter follower.

Tweeted your contest.

Signed up for Newsletter.

Will blog about you later today and that post will auto display on Facebook probably some time tomorrow.

So I get ALL the points possible, right?

Anonymous said...

Oh, it is so hard to decide, but I think I'd like the mary kay moisturizer if I won... this winter did a number on my skin, I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

I am a follower of this blog on google friend connect

Anonymous said...

I follow you on twitter – I’m @doppeldeer

Anonymous said...

I subscribed to your newsletter (after hitting enter prematurely the first time, sorry!)

Anonymous said...

I tweeted about this giveaway:

Unknown said...

What a fabulous contest! I can't wait for your book's release either!

Anonymous said...

I am a fan on facebook.

rebecca sizemore estep

mommiesgotfivechildren at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I am following your blog.

mommiesgotfivechildren at hotmail dot com

Buttons and Bows

Anonymous said...

I am following you on

mommiesgotfivechildren at hotmail dot com

Buttons and Bows

Anonymous said...

I signed up for your newsletter

mommiesgotfivechildren at hotmail dot com

Buttons and Bows

Anonymous said...

1 out of 5 entries
I blogged your giveaway on my blog.

mommiesgotfivechildren at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

2 out of 5 entries
I blogged your giveaway on my blog.

mommiesgotfivechildren at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

3 out of 5 entries
I blogged your giveaway on my blog.

mommiesgotfivechildren at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

4 out of 5 entries
I blogged your giveaway on my blog.

mommiesgotfivechildren at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

5 out of 5 entries
I blogged your giveaway on my blog.

mommiesgotfivechildren at hotmail dot com

Celestia said...

I would most like to have the charm bracelet but it's a hard choice!

celestia dot price at gmail dot com

Celestia said...

I am also a follower via Google Reader. I'm not sure if that counts so feel free to delete this comment if necessary.

celestia dot price at gmail dot com

Kate said...

Could I interview you for my blog and blog about your contest that way? I'm not in the habit of just blogging contests for contests' sakes. Anyway I really really really want the critique group prize. Really. Desperately. (Wish my comma button worked. Alas.)

Email me if you're interested: Kate (at) KatrinaPalmer (dot) com

Rachelle Christensen said...

How fun! Way too hard to decide. I like your book, your critique group, and the MK moisturizer. I follow your blog, Twitter, and I'll see what else I can do. :)

sb said...

Well, if I can't win your friends, I'd like the pajamas, socks, or chocolate!

Cathy said...

Hi Kimberly. I am a fan on facebook and I follow your blog. I would love a critque from your group. What a great group of people you have.

Kate said...

I would love a critique from your group.
1 entry blogged about contest
1 entry following this blog
1 entry FB fan
1 entry FBed about contest

4 total entries

Kimberly T. said...

Wow, you have great taste! Those are all great things and many would be on my list of favorites, too. Hmmm, I think silver jewelry would have to top my list, but I don't know, pj's, and chocolate, and a good new book, would all be a very close second.

I'm already a follower of your blog, I'm now your facebook fan, and now I'm excited to sign up for your newsletter. said...

i like the socks, then the jewelery, and third the chocolate said...

i follow the blog also said...

following on twitter
swagbucksignup said...

fb fan of kimberly job
tiffany b pettey said...

blogged 1 said...

blogged 2 said...

blogged 3 said...

blogged 4 said...

blogged 5

Unknown said...

i like the socks...or the stickers

Anonymous said...

I am a follower! :)

The PJ's would be awesome! The socks would be fun. I never turn down chocolate. The critique group review would be wonderful. And of course, your book would be great too. (I'm already getting a copy of your book, but if I won another one, I'd do a giveaway on my blog.)

I hope to see you at the launch tomorrow.

Josie said...

I'm a chocolate kind of girl!!!

Tristi Pinkston said...

Whaddya mean, things get silly at critique group? I have absolutely no idea in the whole entire world what you mean ... :)

Awesome contest idea, Kim!

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