Apr 11, 2008

Blog Tours

There is a unique new marketing tool sweeping the internet—the blog book tour. The concept is quite simple. The author “moves” to a series of blogs, usually over days or weeks, answering questions from the host. The blogs’ readers can comment and ask more questions. Ideally, they will follow links to the author’s website or to an online retailer like Amazon.

A blog tour requires work from the author. They have to reach out to bloggers and find hosts for their online visit, but the concept definitely makes sense. We are living in a time where readers are just as likely to find a book through a google search as they are by browsing bookstore shelves.

A blog book tour potentially exposes the author to a larger audience than a retail bookstore signing would. And there is the added benefit that you don’t have to worry that no one will show up and you’ll have to sit there feeling stupid.

I’m excited to participate in two upcoming blog tours.

J. Scott Savage is kicking off his new series, “Farworld”, with a blog tour. I’ll be reading an advanced reader copy and then doing a review of the book and a Q&A session with Jeff. I have two young readers at my house who will be helping me come up with questions, so it will be interesting to get the perspective of readers who are the actual target audience of Savage’s book.

You can read more about the Farworld series by clicking here.

I’ll also be reading and reviewing Tristi Pinkston’s latest book, “Season of Sacrifice”. It is a historical novel of the hole in the rock pioneers, including the story of Tristi’s great-great-grandfather, Benjamin Perkins. My blog will include a Q&A session with Tristi.

You can read more about “Season of Sacrifice” and order your copy by clicking here.


J Scott Savage said...


Thanks for joining tour tour. And thanks for your kind comments on the Critique Group class. I am very fortunate to be a part of the group and it was fun sharing what we've learned.

Heather Moore said...

I can't wait for FARWORLD either. I also recently read Season of Sacrifice--I'm amazed at how Tristi Pinkston transformed her family history into a great novel.

Unknown said...

Hey Kim - Season of Sacrifice is great and I'm really looking forward to Farworld too.

I'm pulling together a virtual book tour for June. Are you interested? If so, give me a date in June that will work for you and we'll take it from there.


Kimberly Job said...

Thanks for the comments Jeff and Heather.

Candace - I'm definitely interested in your book tour. I'll look at my calendar and email you a date that works for me.

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